In the past week or two I have been musiced out (if that is at all possible), I have been to both the Band and Chorus Concert at school as well Seussical the Musical at the middle school. Because I have not been keeping up with my blogging at I should have I will not post ALL of the pictures from all of these events. However feel free to check them out on Facebook. For those of you that don't have Facebook but still want to look at them I will link to them later so you can still see them.
My day started out fun. We had kite day for Geometry. We had to build kites and then bring them in today and try to fly them. So we spent 2 hours out on the football field "trying" to fly our kites, playing football, softball, eating and of course taking pictures.
Then nothing out of the ordinary happened in 5th period then I got to 6th period anticipating getting my yearbook and finding out the election results. Which of course just to torture us poor students both were done at the end of the long 2 hour period. ha. I constantly found myself turning my head to check the time to see if it was ten minutes before school got out so we could find out who won.
When I heard Ross Black come over the announcements saying "Pardon this interuption...." my heart jumped and I got nervous but excited at the same time. And as if they hadn't tortured us enough already the didn't say the results for sophomore class council because I was on main campus and most of the upcoming sophomores are on 9th grade center so they didn't announce it on main. I was going crazy. Long story short my friend got ahold of somebody who was on 9th grade campus and said that Brandon Hightower had won president.
I am a little disappointed that I didn't win but I soon realized that this now just gives me more of an opportunity to be more active in FCA next year where we are in strong need of leaders if we want to be able to keep the strong band of good Christian peers together that we have this year.
As I promised earlier I do have pictures of my election posters for the ones that wanted to see them.

Now unfortunately for the tear jerker part of my day. As I got in the car after school my mom told me that Little Nate Ferrell has not recieved good news this week. As I read Ambers post, tears started to roll down my cheek. That is certainly not the news that Brother Jay, Sister Amber and the girls wanted to hear but I know that Our Great Redeemer will guide their sweet family through whatever they go through in the future. Please be in prayer for the Ferrells in their time of need and that they might find the strength they need.