Memorial Day Weekend

WHAT A WEEK! I don't think I could possibly fit anything else into it! I find myself constantly running around like a buzzzy bee or like a chicken with my head cut off.
Rebecca's graduation was Thursday and it was three hours! woo wee was I ready to get out of there? Who knew listening to 700+ names read could be so boring? However, I wouldn't have missed it for the world. Why? Because I love sweet Becca Boo! Rebecca has been a blessing to my life. I am happy to call her family!
Mitchell's graduation was Saturday. His was much more personal being that it was a homeschool graduation. It was short, sweet and to the point!
On another note, Madalyn (Mentioned in my previous post) had her surgery on Thursday. She is home now on the road to recovery. Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers! I appreciate it as I'm sure Katie does too : )
"College is not Burger King. You can't have it your way."
-Professor Harry Coverston
This weekend I read a portion of scripture that particularly stuck in my head so I thought I'd share it...Proverbs 3:5-6. It gave me a sense of comfort and peace. Although I do not know what direction the Lord wants me to take in my life, I know that he has a plan for me. I am comforted in knowing that I do not have to fly solo when making decisions. I am confident that if I stay in fervent prayer, the Lord will show me directly what I need at just the right moment.
I am happy in knowing that whatever I need the Lord will supply in due time.