Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Major Update Time

Well lets see since the last time I posted so much has happened. I know I promised to post pictures of the engagement party but time has flown by since I have been off break and the things I need to post about has been piling up on me. So this is going to be a pretty lenghty post with alot of different events in it. :] So here I go!
Every year, my Uncle Kenny host a Christmas Brunch the Saturday before Christmas. We look forward to it every year. :] This year we got to meet Matt's crazy dog.
Matt trying to get Izzie to swim. :]
She loves the water but it was pretty cold. :]
Once she got in you could hardly get her out. haha

She loves splashing the water and making bubbles then trying to eat them. lol

Uncle Kenny feeding Izzie, Nova and Sugar on "the Magic Carpet"

This year we decided to open our present on Christmas Eve. Seeing as how we all knew what that present was before hand, we were ready to get our game on and start playing the Wii right when we sat down. :]

This would be my "Britt you are kiling me here with the suspense! Lets forget about the video camera and open it already!" face. :]

Finally the moment I have been waiting for!
Me and Forrest setting up the Wii.
We also had the gift exchange for the Ulmer family. This year we just drew names for the grandkids. We had alot of fun as we always do. We also introduced White Elephant into our get together this time.
My White Elephant I got. It was a Chia Shrek. :]

The really cute thing Grandma got. It has 7 polar bears and each one of them has one of the grandkids names on their stomach. :]

Brittany and Forrest got this door knocker that had an "S" engraved on it for their townhouse.
That was really cute. :]

I also got to take pictures of Landen who just turned one. He is so funny. I had alot of fun taking pictures of him and hanging out with Denise. Here are a few of my favorites for you to see. Denise I'm still editing some more but I just wanted to put these on to let you see some of them. :] I will let you know when the CD's are ready. :]

He is such a Big Boy!
We had to take this one because Denise is a gator and Steven is a Nole. :]
You will see below that Steven had a seminole shirt for him to wear but he doesn't have any Gator stuff to wear that fits him. So I knew that we had tons of Gator stuff so we came back to my house and took a few of him in Gator stuff in my yard. :] They turned out adorable.

haha. I love it.
Oh Man! This slide was a challenge for him. After going down head first (he was determined to do it even though Denise said not to) he just didn't seem to want to go down the slide again. haha.

He is such a Goof Ball!
Reading to Curious George.

Lovin' Curious George.
The Best of Both Worlds.
Landen and His Red Wagon.

Ridin' in the Wagon

That face cracks me up. :]]

My Christmas Break has seemed to fly by. Going into the break I had made all these plans to hang out with friends and go all these places, then before I knew it it's a couple days before New Years and none of the plans have been followed thru with. So Monday my friend Kendra came over and we hung out all day. I had a lot of fun with her. We took so many pictures.
Some how I always end up hanging from the tree. lol :]

Me and Kendra.
Kendra loves photography just like I do. So this is one that she took of me. I love it.

I love this one of my eye.
I knew that I had to get caught up on blogging now because if I didn't now I wouldn't be able to. Well tomorrow we are leaving to head up to Plant City for their New Years meeting. :] I can't wait to see Joshua and take his pictures! We have a lot planned in a short amount of time so there will deff. be a post about all of these events after we get back. :] Until then, I hope yall have a happy and safe New Year! :]


Monday, December 15, 2008

Sing of His Wonderful Story

As Christmas time comes around, I can't help but look back on all the wonderful things that my family and I have been so blessed to have. Although at times I may think that I have to have that new Nikon D40 :] or that new purse that I have been watching, you come to the realization that there are kids out there who are wondering if they are going to make it to Christmas Day because they have a terminal illness. One of my teachers told me about this organization that provides kids with terminal illness with one last wish and they can visit the theme park that they have built on site and play for the day. Give Kids the World accepts volunteers so I figured that I would love to do that this summer. I just thought I would let everybody know about it so if they wanted to check it out and help volunteer there.
Here is a picture that I took that I thought ya'll would like to see. :]
Since I last posted FCA hosted a Christmas Movie Night at the school. We had a great turn out and I'm just so grateful that although the world still trys to keep the Lord out of school we can still meet together and bring the Word Of God into our schools.
I will post pictures of the engagement party later this week (hopefully).
Only 1 more week until I"m out of school. :] Then it won't be long till I am down at Little Union and getting to see that sweet baby Joshua. :]


Sunday, December 7, 2008

It's great to be a........

Florida Gator!
The Ulmer house was one happy place after that game. Silas we are very sorry for your loss but I will say that Bama deffinitely made us work for the win.
National Championship Here We Come!

I tell you what every time I hear Tim Tebow talk to reporter I'm extremely amazed at how he nevers fails to put all the glory on God and whenever he is asked about a certain play he always tells about how he couldn't have carried out the play without his team mates. It is such an awesome thing to have a guy who is such a huge role model for alot of people that is a solid Christian person.

On another note, Poppa Green we are really beginning to think that you don't like us anymore and don't want to see us. :] So Poppa Green if you are out there reading this we miss seeing you at Little Zion every other week and would love to see you some more! :]
This past couple weeks have been rather hectic! I"m not sure if I had posted about Apopka being in the playoffs but we were! Yes WERE! :[ I'm sad to say that we lost this past Friday in round 2 of the 6A playoffs! I had to babysitt that night so I couldn't go but Dad still went and gave me numerous updates during the game. :]
I know that this post was very scattered and random but I've only got a short amount of time to post. We are getting ready for the engagement party on Saturday so it's going to be pretty busy around here the next week. I will post pictures in a couple weeks but until then I probably won't be posting!