(Joshua is such a ham! I could eat him up!)This will be my last post before the big day. These past couple of months have been so hectic around here but I wouldn't change that for a million dollars. :)
(Layne was Britt's helper for the shower. )
The pantry shower was this past weekend at Kerry and Matt's house. Sister Kerry, Kelly and Kimberly did an awesome job! Every thing was adorable, even down to the cupcakes with a strawberry on top that was covered in icing and looked like a dress.
(Me and Kelsey.)
We had an uninvited guest at the shower! There was some sort of snake that was outside of the house. Luckily Justin and Jeff were there to save the day and take care of it! They had way too much fun playing baseball with that poor thing! lol.
( This would be the snake being attacked by a Playmate plastic golf club. lol As you can see, we didn't take to well to the uninvited guest lol)

(Justin and Jeff taking care of the snake for us. While the girls stand at a safe distance well besides little miss adventure girl Brooke. haha.)
I think its safe to say that Britt and Forrest wont have to go shopping for at least the 1st month they are married because they got so much stuff for the pantry all in one day! :)

(I love his blue eyes!)
Later that day, the "crew" met up at the Varnums to watch Twilight. We had a great time hanging out, as we always do! It was such a nice day out so we went outside before dinner was ready and the boys threw the football around while we took pictures and just talked and had a good time. We ate some dinner then we watched Twilight.
(Me, Kelsey and Rach)(Me and Kels goofin' off while the boys were playing football)
Disclaimer: Yes I realize that there are more pictures of Joshua on here than there are of Brittany! But I just couldnt resist! He is so stinking cute! :)
Well only 11 days until the Big Day! :) We have got a busy week ahead of us! We will be in Plant City the whole week so the next post on here will be in a few weeks when my sister is no longer Ms Brittany Ulmer but Ms Brittany Sumner! :)