Its Always Better when we're together
This past weekend, the Ulmers spent yet another weekend in Plant City. When I say "yet another" I dont mean that in a bad way at all. I LOVE going to Plant City! It's my home away from home! I look forward to going there on the weekends and I absolutely positively cant wait till the week of my spring break when I am down there for the whole week for the wedding. :)
So anyways, Saturday morning my family went to Salem for their annual meeting and heard a wonderful sermon from Elder Brantley. I was glad to finally meet Elizabeth Brantley at the meeting. Then that afternoon we went over to Hebron for the shower. We had a great time there and they got alot of nice things. Saturday night a bunch of us met up on the Ice Sports Forum and went ice skating. We had a blast! As some of you may have heard we had a few falls and a minor cut on the finger but all in all we were laughing and having a good time the whole night.
After ice skating, the boys decided that they were still hungry because it was 9:30 at night and they hadnt eaten since lunch time haha. So we headed over to Red Lobster and hung out some more. I can't tell you how grateful I am to have such awesome friends who I can depend on.

Next weekend is the Pantry shower at Sister Kerry's house. I love showers! :) Then "the crew" will probably wind up doing something that night. So as always expect pictures next week hopefully! :)
Look's like alot of funny! I'm good at rollerblading but I don't know about Iceskateing, I'm pretty sure I would have some cuts too! LOL!.....................
I'm so glad you all had fun! Wished we could have been there! See you all on Saturday!
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