Happy Father's Day Papa Bear! & Picture Update
I love you Papa Bear!
You are the best dad I could ever ask for! From the day I was born you have done nothing but show me love and support in all of life's journeys. Without you, Momma probably would have turned me into a proper citified girl with class. hmmm...what a thought! :) I love spending time with you and I will always remember the random stuff you would do or say just to make us laugh...and it always worked! :) It's the small things in life that matter. The days when you took me and Britt out to Nelsons for the day when we were little, the afternoons out at our nursery playing in the peat piles, the times we had listening to you sing and howl in the shower and just the other day when you found out the meaning of "shabby chic" and I asked you if your shirt was shabby chic and you told me "No it's fly!" :) Years down the road when I"m grown and have kids of my own I will tell them these stories about their "Papa Bear" and all the good times we had together. As I move on up the ladder of life I hope that we continue to share many more priceless memories. I love you Papa Bear! Happy Fathers Day!
You are the best dad I could ever ask for! From the day I was born you have done nothing but show me love and support in all of life's journeys. Without you, Momma probably would have turned me into a proper citified girl with class. hmmm...what a thought! :) I love spending time with you and I will always remember the random stuff you would do or say just to make us laugh...and it always worked! :) It's the small things in life that matter. The days when you took me and Britt out to Nelsons for the day when we were little, the afternoons out at our nursery playing in the peat piles, the times we had listening to you sing and howl in the shower and just the other day when you found out the meaning of "shabby chic" and I asked you if your shirt was shabby chic and you told me "No it's fly!" :) Years down the road when I"m grown and have kids of my own I will tell them these stories about their "Papa Bear" and all the good times we had together. As I move on up the ladder of life I hope that we continue to share many more priceless memories. I love you Papa Bear! Happy Fathers Day!

Okay so as most of you know me and momma will be going up to Alabama next week so I know that I way behind on posting but I'm super busy with packing and cleanin that I dont really have a chance to give a detailed description of all the stuff that has happened in the Ulmer house lately but I do want to post some links for those who dont have facebook so you can see some pictures of stuff that has happened since I last posted!
I had a great time and thanks to everybody who came.
I am now the proud owner of an Olympus E-500. I love it! My Grandpa gave it to me and its awesome!
This is what i spend most of my summer days doing. watching these two adorable kiddos. I love them!
I know I posted about Disney already but if you want to look at all the pictures just click the link.
Our visit to Plant City a couple weekends back.
It was a great meeting and Elder Charles Kitchens was very blessed at the meeting to speak for us. All the young kids hung out afterwards to that is what the pictures are from.
Sorry I had to be so brief in the post. :( But I will deffinitely post more after I get back from Alabama and singing school.
Happy Father's Day Daddio!
Great post, Beff!
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