On my knees in prayer for the women and men who died
In Rememberance of all of our fallen heros who lost their lives on September 11th!

Tears for Our Women and Men
By Lindsay Penney
Her tears came down as she led the way, The only man she ever loved was gone. He served his country among the brave, But no one ever had the chance to know how strong. Her tears came down as they handed her the flag, The flag that represented the red, white, and blue. So many have been lost, she said out loud. But inside she thought, why did it have to be her man too? Her tears came down as her children knelt beside her, They cherished all the time they had with their dad. Even while he was away, they kept him in their hearts, Not knowing that was all the time they were ever to have. Even though months have passed, Her tears still come now and then. But she knows that she will heal with time, Because our country is made with the strongest women and men.
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