Well this past week was Spirit Week at Apopka. So for those of you who don't know what that is! It's basically a week where you can wear random stuff that you would most likely be laughed at if you wore on a daily basis. For those non-facebookers out there, I also got my braces off this week. :] So to say the least it has been one crazy hectic week around here.
The first day of spirit week was Safari Day. Which unfortunately I don't have the pictures of that because they are on the yearbook camera at school that I had for the day. :[
The next day was Wacky Tacky Day! Oh man did we see some wack-o people that day. I wore a Tennessese Hat, Noles Shirt (being that both of those are oh so tacky ha.) then well you can see what else I wore. I always seem to have at least one teacher every year that is a huge football fan like my family and they are either Those Nasty Ole Noles or Ohio State fans. So this year Mr Hall is relentless on me and he looks forward to picking on me and at least once a week he plays the Nole chant or whatever that hideous thing is as soon as a walk in the door. I tell him it doesn't effect me I bleed orange and blue and the only chant in my head would be the Gators! :] So of course I had no choice but to wear that shirt on Wacky Tacky Day because after all it's perfect because they are tacky.

Me and Christi

Me and Emmalee. My Spanish Buddy.
Sports Day was on Tuesday. Tuesday was the big day that I got my braces off. :] So I couldn't go as crazy as I wanted to because I went straight from getting my braces off to school and I didn't really want to go to the ortho with my face all painted up. ha. :] However that didn't stop me from showing my gator pride. :]

Tuesday night was Powder Puff. This a game that happens once a year during spirit week. The junior girls and the senior girls play each other in flag football. Of course the seniors win every year! ha.

haha. The guy cheerleaders for the night.

Me and Mikey after the game.
All of the boys painted there stomaches for the game. They are dorks. :]
We didn't have any thing on Wednesday because it was PSAT. :[
On Thursday we had celebrity day. I didn't dress up for that day because once again I had an ortho appointment right before I went to school. But I did get a few pics of me and other people who dressed up.

ha. Laila is so funny. She dressed up as Madea from the Diary of a Mad Black Women.

Me and Mikey. I'm not sure what he dressed up as but I got a picture. ha.

haha Me and Jordan. He was James Bond or maybe it was Brad Pitt? I forgot which one but it was one of those. :]

Karlo was the dude from Pokemon. I"m not sure what his name was. :]
And yesterday was the much anticipated Crazy Blue and White Day. I look forward to this day every year. I made some shirts for me and my friends. They were so cute. My best friend is the varisty kicker so we put his name on the shirt and said "We get a kick out of #31." And then Tyler Darlington is in our class so we put him on the shirt too. "#79 will hold the Darter Line."

Me and Elise

Me and Tyler. ha.
I love these people get crazy!

Me and Shanna.
She is pretty much like my twin. I'm going to miss her next year!

Me and Regine.
She has been so helpful when I don't know what to do in yearbook.

Me and Aimee.
I love her. She is so genuine and caring. We have known each other since birth and I'm really going to miss those car rides with her to school in the morning.
Friday Night was the big game against Winter Park. We had a good time as always. We also were glad to have Forrest come and watch the game with us while Brittany babysat. :]

Me and Kaitlyn.
She is so sweet. She came up to me when I was down by the concession stand and she was like don't leave me alone so then she came up in the stands with me. :]

The three amigos. :]

After the game we got a picture of all of us and Alex and Tyler. :]

haha. Us and the backs of our shirts but you can't really read them in the picture.

Me and Alex (aka A-Catt) I love this kid. He cracks me up!
Tonight is homecoming. Please be in prayer for everybody going to homecoming. I am not going this year instead I'm going over to the Bankson's for a homecoming alternative. It's going to be amazing and I can't wait! I will post pictures of it later on.