Grins, Giggles and Drool :)
As most of you know, Brittany has been in New Orleans/Mississippi for the past week with the Mizell family and has left me home all alone. :) But that's alright I will forgive her because after all in the event of her trip I was able to babysitt the two sweetest little babies ever! One of my parents old clients has a 3month old baby girl and they had a Christmas party last Saturday and needed a babysitter so of course I jumped on that opportunity and had a blast. We also watched a friend of theirs baby boy, who might I say was the sweetest cuddliest baby ever.
Conner was the best baby ever! When we got him he was sleeping and when he left he was sleeping! He did not even cry or anything! Man I wish all babies were like that.
I'm sure Brittany will be posting some pictures from her little trip sometime.
You are too cute with those little ones, maybe we'll call you to babysit one of these days. :)
Bethany, those little babies are sooooo cute, I could just eat 'em up! You'll make a really good mommy one day!
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