Wednesday, June 25, 2008

"To laugh often and much, to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty; to find the best in others; to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch, or a redeemed social condition; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded."

-Ralph Waldo Emerson


Thursday, June 19, 2008

Shopping's as easy as One, Two, Three

I didn't have to work today so Bethany & I decided to go on a shopping expedition. We got some great buys! (For all you gung ho deal finders out there- check New York & Company, Gap and Bath & Body Works. They had some fabulous sales!) Here are some outtakes from the days events! I hope you enjoy them : )
Debuting the new do!

Classic "Shish" Style

Bethany can not go ten minutes without eating

so she just HAD to get pretzel sticks from Aunt Annie's!


Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Scrape, Paint, ZZZZzzzZZ?

Today we had a church workday! We went down to the church on the intent to scrape all of the chipping paint (for those of you who have been to our bathrooms you know what I'm talking about) and prime the bathroom. Well we did that plus a little extra! Oh Man We are Over-Achievers let me tell you buddy!

Here is the conversation between me and Grandpa after I caught him "working"!

Me: Grandpa What are ya doin'?

Grandpa: My eyes are restin'.

(He then gets up and begins to act like he is going to draw on Grandma's face who is also "letting her eyes rest.)

My Oh My How I love bonding with my Grandpa! He has such a sense of humor if you get to know him. We had a wonderful bonding session today that including feeding Bob the Bird and his mate some bread and G'pa teaching me how to feed them and get them to come to you (Bob the Bird is the name that me and him came up with for the birds because the name fits so why not. ha) as well as picking songs from the PB hymnal and seeing if I had them on my iPod and then playing them on my iPod docking station that was right next to the sound system so we could hear the music all throughout the church. Oh yea We, the Ulmers, are resourceful.


Saturday, June 14, 2008

Happy Father's Day!

To my one and only Papa Bear,
Daddy-O you have always been there for me when I need ya to be. You amaze me with your wit and your quick gangster come backs. :) You make me proud to call you Papa Bear! As much as I may be embarrassed about your “odd” things you do I honestly don’t know what I would do without you and would be lost without you in my life. I love the moments that you sing/howl in the shower and we can hear all the way in the living room, the Sunday morning karaoke sessions with Carrie Underwood and the many priceless moments and giggles from the backseat of our road trips. You have always been there for me whether it was taking me to the store to pick something up or taking me to the many football games and standing out in the rain so I can stay and watch the game. Even at this very moment as I’m writing this blog I love you for the way you act all sneaky and try to take a peak at what I’m writing and then when I tell you to go away you give me that little grin of yours. :) So here’s to the padre who has provided me many giggles and grins throughout my life, Happy Father’s Day!
There is also a very special person who may not be blood related to me but I considered to be such important role model in my life that I will forever have a special place in my heart for. Most of you know this wonderful person that I call Borrowed Dad. :)
Borrowed Dad you are such a special father like figure to me! You always make me smile when I read your comments on our blog. I’m glad to call you my Borrowed Dad! It is such a great feeling to know that I have such a kind and thoughtful brother in Christ to be there for me.


Thursday, June 12, 2008

Okra, Creamed Corn, Fish Ponds & Clay Roads

Brad & Courtney's sweet baby boy, Colt Wesley Fleming

Saturday Afternoon on the Farm

Feeding the Cows
At the Fishpond

and finally...Photo Op with the Family in Cairo

These are pictures that will remind us of the countryside in years to come!


Monday, June 9, 2008

You and Me = Trouble Times Three

It's plain and simple- we, the ULMER'S, have issues! We ventured out Friday afternoon to Cairo, Georgia for Tired Creek's Meeting. I love road trips with my hip and happenin' Papa Bear. Bless his heart, he listened to our own rendition of karaoke ALL the way up! (Blue Suede Shoes, Jailhouse Rock, Country Road, and a few more of the gangsta persuasion)

We made a routine stop for gas at a station in Thomasville and attempted to start the car and failed miserably! Yes, that is correct 30 minutes away from the church my car dies (temporarily -of course). After a portion of the family laughed hilariously, a very sweet man helped us. He worked at the shop next door, checked our battery and diagnosed it as a DEAD SHORT. Within the hour, Zorro (my beloved Santa Fe) was bandaged and healed. With the Lord as our pilot we made it to church that evening only a few minutes late.

Daddy Overseeing the Mechanic

Bethany stopping for a photo op...SURPRISE, SURPRISE!

The weekend in Cairo was a much needed distraction from our every day affairs. I'm glad I went and appreciate the warmth felt by our dear brothers and sisters in Christ! While away from my beloved Florida, we also got to visit with our family in Valdosta. (Stay tuned for details in Bethany's post)

Here's a quick shout out to Aunt Charlotte, the most fly G Mama around, Thanks for our session! It was like medicine for the soul...Amoxicillin for Strep Throat.

Classic Bonding

On the Way Home

Want to go on a trip where you get a new battery, replace 2 tires and do everything you would NOT imagine? Join us! We are booking reservations for our next adventure at this very moment. Hurry, space is limited : )


Tuesday, June 3, 2008

It's hard to believe that a year has gone by

(I have posted pictures of the past weekend as well. So if you are looking for those just scroll down and you will find them.)
A Day in the Life of Bethany at Apopka High School
Well today was my last day of school. It's crazy to think that a year has come and gone since I have been in high school. It kind of uplifting yet in a way sad that 1/4 of my high school years has come and past already.
For 1st period I have my engineering magent class which is Intro to Info. Technology with Mrs. Kampe. I really liked this class because I learned a lot of new stuff about programs I can use for web site and all that jazz.

Me, Michelle and Mrs. Kampe

Me and Tuttle

Me and Michelle. We were the good kids that did work so we could have fun after we were done.

In 2nd period I have AP Human Geography. Mr Mellon is an awesome teacher. We work really hard for the whole year but after the AP Exam we just relax and watch movies. I have grown to be such close friends with alot of the people in this class.

Mooser eating popcorn

The 4 amigos

Mr. Mellon

The Class

Aww! I'm going to miss this crazy kid named Karlo!

Me and Mooser.

Karlo wearing Mooser's pink jacket.

Well if you notice I"m missing 3rd period and that is because I really am not that close to alot of people in that class becuase it's Spanish with Mr. Moss. I have a couple people who I"m close to in there but I already have pictures of them in other places so yea. There is Mason but it was exam day and it was way too hot in that class to take pictures. lol.

So Now is my 4th period which is Mrs. Anderson's Geometry class. I love Mrs. A. She is such an awesome teacher. We had a blast in her class this year which you could probably tell from previous post from Pi Day and Kite Day.

Savannah with her drawing on the wall.

Our school is getting demolished so she let us write on her wall. It was covered with writing and not only just the walls but the floor too.

Me and Shelby

haha. A-Catt is crazy.

My Oh My now for Lunch. We have some pretty crazy lunches. But we have a blast.

Mikey and his peanut butter honey mustard sandwich. Yea I know Yuck!

Me and Mikey

This is what lunch is like everyday. We are constantly having to guard our food to make sure nobody steals it. lol

Alright he got his food burglar under control now for a picture. Which is blurry but hey life isn't perfect.

Yea those would be the lunch stealing culprits. lol

5th period English Class with The Haff.

I have made so many close friends in this class. We have fun in class and Mr. Haffner is an awesome teacher. I am constantly laughing at Jordan being retarded or The Haff try to be gangster or telling kids to stop kissing behind his portable.

Me and Jordie-Poo :) This kid cracks me up.
Jabari! He is such a cool kid. He is my buddy. Today he came up to me and gave me a hug and was like Bethany I'm going to miss you! He is by far the sweetest funniest kid. :)
Me and Mr. Haffner. Right before the picture was taken he was saying oh wait let me get my good side! :)

6th period I have Chemistry with Mrs. Soto. This class is fun with labs I just don't like everything else. lol.

Me and Steph
Jeff, Kyle and Wade
Me , Steph and Elise.
Now this last part isn't in my every day life at school. But we decided to go to Taco Bell today because we got out at 11:30.

Me and Josh aka J-Smooth

McMikey and McBeth. lol

That is my new nickname from him.

What time is it?


(for all you High School Musical fans out there lol)