Monday, July 28, 2008

My Crazy Whirlwind of a Weekend Part 2

So here comes the 2nd part of my crazy weekend. I also posted on the Little Union Meeting if you want to go back and read that as well.

When we got home, the kids were in the pool. So we just chilled around the pool. We had alot of fun. I just sat outside with my girl Aunt Cheryl and caught up with her. Then it got supper time so me and Aunt Cheryl went to Publix and picked up some drinks and chips. On the ride there I she was talking about all this stuff she was going to do to try to embarass me in front of my friends. Luckily I didn't see anybody I know. :] I love my Aunt Cheryl to death.

Me and Jolee chillin by the pool being gangsta. :]

Disclaimer: Yes I do realize that the camo hat I'm wearing is a Georgia Bulldog hat. However is was part of the joke with me and Jolee because she was wearing her Georgia hat and my Gator purse.

haha I love this girl! She is crazy!
Me and Trey

Momma just had to mention to Trey and Jolee that I hate swimming in the pool at night because I always hear noises outside the screen. So of course what do they do when they hear that? They beg me to get into the pool every 5 seconds until I finally realize the only way that they will stop asking me is if I go in with them. So I decided to live on the edge for once (haha for those of you who know me I'm pretty much always living on the edge, especially if you were to ask Britt lol) and go swimming with them.

All in all we had an awesome and crazy weekend.


My Crazy Whirlwind of a weekend Part 1

The Weekend started out with the Little Union Meeting with Brother Tim McCool. Though many trials (no lights or AC) were thrown in our path, the congreation was not discouraged no matter how hot or dark it got. He was blessed to preach a wonderful sermon on burdens by the use of candles on the pulpit. After services, we went over to the Millers, formerly known as Borrowed Dad, and fellowshipped some more.

Sister Miller

Britt, Forrest and oh yea you can't forget Comet. :]

I love this dog. I was going to steal Kyle's baby to sleep with me and Britt but I didn't want to make Kyle cry. lol jk :]

Then on Saturday morning, Brother Tim was yet again blessed to preach another sermon on the principle that You should leave things better than you found it.

Classic, Classic! Haha. I love the parents to be! They are my flying buddies 4 life!

Coming soon is "My Crazy Whirlwind of a Weekend Part 2" which is when things get crazy around the Ulmer house with Aunt Cheryl and her crazy family from Valdosta. :]


Wednesday, July 16, 2008

It's About Time.

I have finally took the time to update my photography blog. Most of the pictures I have already posted on here. But if you get a chance I would love for you to go on over and take a look.
Above is a picture that I edited of me and Laura from a previous post about the beach.


Sunday, July 13, 2008

It's always better when we are together

We had such a wonderful time at our meeting this past weekend! Elder Hugh Sanders is such a wonderful man and preacher. He will forever be Uncle Hugh to me. Let me tell you, he is so fly! :] Syd you have have got one cool dad! haha Luv ya and missed ya girl! Thanks to the Sanders family for letting us steal your dad away for the weekend! We sure did miss you guys!

Jim doing the Bethany Face & Justin...well being Justin. lol

Dear Ole Unlce Hugh talkin'. (Hmm..who would have guessed that Uncle Hugh would be talking. lol) & Me and My Buddy Harry

Me and Mary & Isaac trying to do my face. lol

Me and Rach aka The Green Girls lol & Me and Abel and I would seriously marry this kid if he was my age

Picnic at the Ulmers

Me and Rach are like two peas in a pod! :) Like PB&J.

Me and Sara

ha. Harry jumpin in the pool. & Justin washing his hair. lol
As you can tell we had an awesome time!


Sunshine & Smiles Part 2

Well to begin with I had a wonderful time with one of my best friends Tori! She is such an awesome, good Christian girl but knows how to have good clean fun! Every time I'm with her I'm always laughing and smiling. She has recently died a strip of her hair pink for a camp that they go to every year for the week then dyes it back. So no to all you photoshop savy bloggers i didn't edit that picture on photoshop that is her real hair i just did some magic on my camera and bam the only thing in color was her punk strip in her hair.

As most of you saw at this past meeting at our church, Britt and myself got a little sun! Well maybe A LOT of sun but that isn't the point lol We went to the beach with Britt's friend from High School who has a sister my age. We took a day trip down to Cocoa and visited with them. We had a blast!!!!!!

We went boogie boarding, kayaking, swimming in the pool and just relaxing in the sun. (Thus the sunburn lol) I was in the water the whole day. Me and Laura were out then catching those waves while waiting for Britt and Jessica were out kayaking. Which I will speak on Britt's behalf was a BEAST! :) She said that when she was out there she could see so many jellyfish all around the kayak.
I will try to get the pictures from the meeting up if not tonight I will make it my goal to do it tomorrow. Then I will be caught up with posting.


Monday, July 7, 2008

Sunshine & Smiles

Well a lot has happened since we last posted so i'm going to try to take this post to update everybody.

Rock Band at the Boys

A couple of Sundays ago, we went out to eat with the family at Reb Lobster for Rach farewell dinner. For those of you who didn't know she is now in Germany studying abroad so please keep her in your prayers. Then the cousins decided that we should go see a movie so we set out to go see a movie but all there was to see was Kung Fu Panda and Wall-E, which had both already started. We then set out for the dollar theatre down the street only to find out that all of the movies had started 30 mins to 1 hour ago and there wasn't another movie starting unti 10 or so that night. So that plan back fired so we decided to go back over to the boys house to play Rock Band. We had a blast. Let me know our family has some hidden talents in the music industry. Especially Mitchell! Man oh Man can he hit those high notes. lol.

Puppy's First Swim

During this past week, I was in the pool swimming around and realized that our puppy Libby has never been in the pool. So we brought her in and she is a pretty good swimmer unlike her sister, Betsy. Every time we get in the pool Betsy goes crazy, shown in the video below. She will bark and bark as if she wants in but then when you go to get her in she runs away from you. Here is the video of Betsy by the pool. If you haven't had your laugh for the day here it is.

While on the subject of our sweet puppies, Libby has recently become very fond of a chicken that makes a noise when you sling shot it across the room. It is the funniest thing. She is determined to get to that thing. It makes me laugh at the stuff she has done to try to get it down from Grandma's kitchen counter. lol

Hopefully, I will have another post coming up this week as well as maybe another video of Libby and the chicken. For those of you who will be down in Florida this weekend. Little Zion would love to have you come and fellowship with us at our special meeting with Elder Hugh Sanders.

(Syd- You don't know how bad I wish you could come! You will be missed this weekend girl!)