Sunshine & Smiles Part 2
Well to begin with I had a wonderful time with one of my best friends Tori! She is such an awesome, good Christian girl but knows how to have good clean fun! Every time I'm with her I'm always laughing and smiling. She has recently died a strip of her hair pink for a camp that they go to every year for the week then dyes it back. So no to all you photoshop savy bloggers i didn't edit that picture on photoshop that is her real hair i just did some magic on my camera and bam the only thing in color was her punk strip in her hair.

As most of you saw at this past meeting at our church, Britt and myself got a little sun! Well maybe A LOT of sun but that isn't the point lol We went to the beach with Britt's friend from High School who has a sister my age. We took a day trip down to Cocoa and visited with them. We had a blast!!!!!!
We went boogie boarding, kayaking, swimming in the pool and just relaxing in the sun. (Thus the sunburn lol) I was in the water the whole day. Me and Laura were out then catching those waves while waiting for Britt and Jessica were out kayaking. Which I will speak on Britt's behalf was a BEAST! :) She said that when she was out there she could see so many jellyfish all around the kayak.
I will try to get the pictures from the meeting up if not tonight I will make it my goal to do it tomorrow. Then I will be caught up with posting.
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