Excuse Me Fay Please Go Away!
For those of you who are fellow Floridians and are reading this blog you know exactly what I mean about Hurricane Fay. I think Fay pretty much covered the whole state at some point this week. We started school on Monday then we had of school on Tuesday, which was a complete waste seeing as how it didnt even rain the slightest bit until around dark that night. We had school on Wednesday and Thursday, which by the way were far worse days to be at school than Tuesday was, then the next thing we know we are getting a call from OCPS saying that due to drainage problems we will not have school on Friday.
Now most of you would probably think that I would be so happy about that. But nope as most of you know by now I'm not your average child :] I was bummed because when it comes to school I need and want to be very structured and be on a specific schedule. But with all these bad weather days we haven't even had a full week of school yet. As a matter of fact since we are on a block schedule system I have 3 classes that I have only been to one time this week and that was for less than and hour time period. It's driving me crazy. I will blog more about the school later which I will get some awesome pictures of our new school for you to see. 

Now to the hurricane/tropical storm part of the blog. We are pretty high up in elevation where we live so we weren't too concerned about flooding. However the retention pond across from our house which hardly ever has water standing in it was full and then overflowing into the woods across from our house.
Man if only I had a waterproof camera so I could have gotten a picture of me, Britt and Papa Bear going on an "adventure" while it was pouring rain. :] It was quite a site. For those of you who have not been "privileged" enough to see me and Papa Bear during a storm you are missing out! ha.
Me and Papa Bear are pacing the floor the whole time. We can never just be chill and act like a normal person and read a book or sleep. :] But I guess that is the ADD kickin' in. :] While the two of us are dying to go outside and see what all is going on Mom is inside staying dry wondering why here crazy family is outside. Britt was the "Official Rain Gauge Checker". Every hour Britt went out to check how much rain we had gotten. Meterologist Brittany is now reporting that in the past day and half we have gotten a recorded 12 and half inches of rain at the Ulmer household. :]
Then we have the puppies who are completely opposite from each other. Libby on one hand loves the rain while Betsy hates it. Bless Libby's heart she had to go outside last night so bad but it was pouring so she held it in as long as she could then we finally decided that it was lost cause to try to get her out so we just took her out on the patio. So this morning I get up and walk her and I thought that we had a slight break in the rain so I took her out real quick well little did I know that right when I get out there with Libby and she is all the way on the other side of the yard and gets scared when it starts to pour so I have to run out in the middle of the yard to get my baby who is sitting under the tree waiting for someone to come to her rescue.
To sum this blog up, I will just say that it's never dull at the Ulmer household. Especially when we are all at home and stuck in the house. haha.
Breaking News in Spring Hollow!
Reporters (aka Me and Papa Bear) just got back from taking a look at a sink hole. That's right a sink hole just opened up in the front of our neighborhood. So we decided to walk down and take a look for ourselves. Of course you know me I would never leave you guys out of the loop so I brought my camera. I got a picture but it's not very good so I will have to go back tomorrow when it's daytime to get a better picture. Well on the way back we got soaked. The bottom dropped out and well just take a look at this picture and see for yourself. :]
Well we were out of school on Tuesday too, with hardly any rain. But the kids had to go the rest of the week. And I think we've had more rain since our "storm day" than we got on the storm day itself...when the storm was in our COUNTY! oh well, thats Florida for you!
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