So I'm in my second week of school now and Lord Willing it will be my first real week of school as a sophomore. As most of you know, this year was the first year of our new school building. Along with a new building we have had many other changes occur this school year. Orange County thought it would be a brilliant idea to change the start times for middle school and high school. So now we start at 9:30 and don't get out of school until 4:00. Which in no way am I complaining about starting at 9:30 but along with being able to sleep in comes the part that I"m not so happy about which would be getting out of school at 4 then doing homework and eating supper about an hour after you get home from school then you pretty much just start the whole cycle over. Man these morning football practices are bad not just for the players but for everybody. We don't want no stinky football players in our class. :]

Another thing that has changed at our school is the fact that there is only one cafeteria. There used to be a 9th grade cafeteria on 9th grade campus so they didn't have to walk so far and then the Main campus lunch room. But this year to cut down on budget (i'm guessing) they have only one lunch room. Which I really don't think is bad but boy would I hate it if I had to make the walk over from 9th grade to main for lunch everyday. :]

I can understand why they have to enforce this next rule but it is still a bummer for the good kids who don't abuse it. We are no longer allowed to wear hoodies to school. There has been several incidents where kids have vandalized the school and then put their hood on in order to hide from the camera and also pretty much an every day occurence would be the "If I pull my hood up the teacher can't see my earphones in my ear." It just stinks that the group of kids who don't follow the rules have to ruin it for everybody else. So now I don't have any jackets to wear to school because all of mine are hooded, even my apopka school jacket has a hood!

Well now for the less depressing part of my post. Our new school is really nice! It's 3 floors high and I"m proud to say that I learn in the building that is now the tallest building in Apopka. People not even the hospital is taller than our school. They had to get permission from the City of Apopka in order to build it that high. Well that just shows you have small good ole Apopka is. :]

The Chorus room is so nice. It has nice big practice rooms. For those of you who don't know what those are, they are rooms that are sound-proof and you go into them and close the door and whoever is in the class can't hear you. Our school has got some high tech stuff now. We have these new projector things that are hooked up to the computer and you can watch TV on them. We also have a gadget called the Elmo which is something you can use to project a piece of paper onto the wall instead of having to make a transparency like we used to do back in the day. :]

In between classes as you are walking down the hall, if you look to your left you will see the remains of the old Apopka High School while it is being demolished.
I'm loving my classes. I'm especially loving yearbook. I love most of my teachers and all of the people in my classes. The second week of school and I'm already known as the "Over Achiever" in my English class. :] Hey what can I say I learn from the best ,aka Britt. :] Speaking of English class I already am failing in that class. jk. Mr Hall is a HUGE Seminole fan. Yep theres trouble in the herd. :] So of course any chance I get I will be representin' them Gators! :]
My Spanish Class is awesome! I love Senorita Lowe. :] She is my type of teacher. She makes up songs and dance in order to help you learn Spanish and we pretty much talk in Spanish the whole class, so for me personally I am learning alot quicker than what I did last year in Spanish 1.
My Algebra 2 class is most deff. going to give me a run for my money this year but I think I can handle it with a little help from my shish. :] I have Biology which is going pretty good. We haven't really done any exciting labs yet just doing the basic rules and stuff that you have to go over before you can do labs. I am taking Darter Company this year which is a business like envirornment where we have our own workstation and every morning you come in and you check your email for you deadlines for the day from Mrs. Sims. Then it is up to you in order to complete them. Mrs. Sims is like the boss and then we are her employees. We have 3 classes that we can choose from which are AOT, Web Design and Digital Design. I chose to do Web Design that way I can eventually be able to build a website on my own for my parents business or Little Zion. I'm really excited about that class. Next I have World History which I was never a huge history fan but I guess I will have to suck it up for the year and do it whether I like it or not. Finally I have yearbook. This class is so much fun. We just decided on our theme for the yearbook and what pages we are assigned to do within in the yearbook. I'm so excited about getting to be a part of this. So that is what is going on in "The Big Potatoe" (that is what Apopka is called) and my sophomore year in high school! :]
Sounds like you have a fun class load! I so wish my high school (way back when)offered such interesting classes! We are praying for a successful year for you!
So Much to say and so little time to say it. Let me begin by saying I hope you have a great year. Your new school sounds cool. It brings back memories for me. My high school was brand new. I remember they didn't have the air conditioner regulated right and we all had to bring sweaters and jackets for the first few months. At least they worked. Boy could we ever have fun with a FSU teacher. Drive Teach crazy with orange and blue. Keep us posted on the school activities.
Borrowed Dad
Looks to be a busy yet fun year for you! Keep us updated.
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