Supernanny's Encounter with Monkey Joes
This post is dedicated to those who think that a 15 and 20 year old can't be a kid every once in a while!
Today me and Britt headed up to Monkey Joes with the kids that she babysits for. There were 5 total today. WhooWee was I tired? :] Now Britt doesn't usually watch all 5 of them at the same time but since summer is almost over and the kids love to play with each other they met up so they could play for the day while Britt watched them.
I'm not sure who had more fun. The kids or Me? At first I just stayed outside of the moon bounces and all that stuff because I thought I was too big! But then I saw other people that were older than me on it so I finally "gave in" to the kids and told them I would get on with them.
Everyone in the moonbounce
I finally got everyone to look at the camera.
Britt said we looked like a bunch of caged monkeys.
The kids loved the video games.
Miss Brittany says "Now your silly faces, guys"
What a fun and BRAVE babysitter (and asst. babysitter) you guys are!
I am sure that's a memory those kids will keep with them for a long time!
The great thing about being a borrowed Poppa is that I can play on the playground too. Big people can learn so much from the little people, and little people have so much to learn from big people. But no one learns unless they spend time with one another. I'm thankful that the Ulmer girls have not lost that concept. Now I can make my silly face cause Miss Brittney said I could.
Borrowed Dad
aka: Borrowed Poppa
Looks like a fun day to me.
Man where were you when I was a kid? You guys sound like great babysitters. I'm glad you all had fun! Those kids are very blessed to have you guys to look after them!
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