A Different Kind of Way

Redneck Computer Chair
I would also like to mention that our dear 'ole Mama has joined the blog. I guess "BD" will have to share the spotlight as the coolest parent in town! : )
Redneck Computer Chair
I would also like to mention that our dear 'ole Mama has joined the blog. I guess "BD" will have to share the spotlight as the coolest parent in town! : )
Welcome, Adopted Mom (AM as opposed to BM):P
I think this is a good trade, my dad for your mom!
As for the redneck way of life... I LOVE the computer chair. I will have to send this on to my father-in-law! :) He's a yankee, but sure does love a good redneck joke! :)
Welcome Adopted Mom. Fellow Gator. Dearest Sister. Kindred Spirit. I'm glad your here. As I travel through life I often times come accross things that are so great that I wish everyone could see it. Our Great God is just one such thing, but another is our childrens growth. Brother Buddy Abernathy preached last night from the last half of Hebrews 5 and the first half of chp. 6 concerning some folks that were still on the "milk of the word, but should be on the Meat" one reasion they were still on the milk is because they have not been exercising them selves in practicing what they have been taught. I can't do Bro. Buddy's sermon justice and I would strongly encourage any one to order a copy...He was Bless beyond measure..I think everyone there really rejoiced in it. My point is This is exactly what I see these precious "Blogging Sisters" doing. They are exercising themselves in the word, applying that word to different situation, seeking wise council from one another, praising God and fellowshiping one another. I am so proud of them and Bless to be allowed to be apart of them and I am learning so much from them. These are the things that I wish other could see. And so dear A.M. welcome, sit back and watch the manifold witness of the Lord. By the way, there will be some laughter along the way.
Borrowed Dad
woohoo, adoptive mama is online now!
Okay, I tried hard to resist the urge, but I just can't! Take a good look at the gentleman with the houseboat. Notice familiar colors, anyone? Hmmm...wow.
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