Sunday, February 17, 2008

Florida Fellowship Meeting 2008

We certainly had a blessed meeting this weekend. We heard some awesome preaching and had great times with old friends and met some new ones. I'm so glad that everything went as smooth as it did. So here are some pictures from the meeting.

Me and Julie after church.

Can you say Cutie? :)

Jared and Bristle looking at the bird.

The Youth of the PB's :)

ha. Love the face Brother Jon.

Issac at Cracker Barell waiting for everybody to get done eating. :)

A picture of Brother Jim taking a sideways picture of us. Huh?

His faces make me laugh! Priceless Picture!

Wii. Thanks Gary and Dani for bringing it. :)

Me and Rach Ray. :0

The "men" :)


Kelly Spezzano February 17, 2008 at 9:13 PM  

I love the photos (I commented on a lot of them of Facebook, so I won't say a lot) I think my all time favorite would have to be Brother Issac and the Dueling Banjo face!